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Tableau Sample: Summation of All External Exposures in MREM (see description of data below the display.)

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External exposure data were aggregated from K25, ORNL (X10), and Y12 between 1943 and 1998 for the following ORISE Working datasets:

K25 Y12 ORNL

ORISEWDS_d14 - K25 external monitoring data

Field aggregated: pendose

ORISEWDS_d20 - Y12 external monitoring data 1950-80

Field aggregated: pendose

ORISEWDS_d17 - X10 external monitoring data 1943-1985

Field aggregated: pendose

ORISEWDS_d34 - K25 TLD 1989 – 1991

Field aggregated: Pen_Dose

ORISEWDS_d21 - Y12 external monitoring data 1981-84

Field aggregated: pendose

ORISEWDS_d40 - tblORNL TLD 1989-1991

Field aggregated: Pen_Dose

ORISEWDS_d35 - K25 TLD 1991 – 1998

Field aggregated: DEEP_DE_VAL

ORISEWDS_d47 - tblY12 TLD 1989-1991

Field aggregated: Pen_Dose

ORISEWDS_d41 - tblORNL TLD 1992-1998

Field aggregated: SDEXT_Val


ORISEWDS_d48 - tblY12 TLD 1992-1998

Field aggregated: DEEP_DE_VAL

Note: value removed for X10 whose ID=75244, MonYear=62 and pendose=388608.

This is a known invalid reading.

Next: See Tableau Example: Site Studies Available in CEDR

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