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The CEDR Program


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies have a long history of epidemiologic research programs. The main focus of these programs has been the health and mortality studies of the DOE work force. These epidemiologic studies began in 1964 with a feasibility study of workers at the Hanford facility. Subsequently, worker studies were undertaken at many DOE facilities to examine possible health effects of working in these facilities. Studies of other populations exposed to radiation have also been supported by DOE, including the classic studies of atomic bomb survivors. From a scientific perspective, this research has been productive, technically sound, and has formed the basis for many radiological protection standards.

The results of these studies have been published mainly in scientific literature and other technical reports. Although the practice of publishing study results in scientific literature is the usual way to share information in the science community, some investigators outside DOE asked that these data be more accessible. In response, DOE developed the Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) program to facilitate and broaden access to the data collected during its epidemiologic research programs. CEDR includes a computer information system for storing CEDR data and related descriptive information and capabilities for independently accessing them. Serving as a data repository for researchers and educators, CEDR supports the spirit of openness in government and makes valuable contributions to science and to public health and safety.


To enhance DOE's epidemiologic research program by facilitating independent access and use of data collected during studies of the health impacts associated with working at or living near DOE facilities or operations.

The sharing of these data through CEDR supports the spirit of openness in government and the Secretary of Energy's initiative to make environmental, safety, and health information available to all stakeholders.

Program Goals

To permit access to data from the DOE epidemiological studies program to researchers and other interested stakeholders.

To provide opportunities for new scientific understandings.

To identify and document other data potentially useful for health studies.

To create a central repository of data related to epidemiologic and health concerns.

Next: See Types of Studies

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