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Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR)

The Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) is the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) electronic database comprised of health studies of DOE contract workers and environmental studies of areas surrounding DOE facilities. DOE recognizes the benefits of data sharing and supports the public's right to know about worker and community health risks. CEDR provides independent researchers and educators with access to de-identified data collected since the Department's early production years. Current CEDR holding include more than 80 studies of over 1.5 million workers at 34 DOE sites. Access to these data is at no cost to the user.

Most of CEDR's holdings are derived from epidemiologic studies of DOE workers at many large nuclear weapons plants, such as Hanford, Los Alamos, the Oak Ridge reservation, Savannah River Site, and Rocky Flats. These studies have primarily used death certificate information to identify excess deaths and patterns of disease among workers to determine what factors contribute to the risk of developing cancer and other illnesses. In addition, many of these studies have radiation exposure measurements on individual workers. CEDR is supported by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Now a mature system in routine operational use, CEDR's modern internet-based systems respond to thousands of requests to its web server daily. With about 1,500 internet sites pointing to CEDR's web site, CEDR is a national online digital repository, with a large audience for data that are not available elsewhere.

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) maintains the Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource for the Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security (EHSS-13)

CEDR Infographic

Benefits of Using CEDR

Dr. John Boice’s interview on the benefits of using CEDR from a researcher’s perspective. Watch full interview

STEM Program

Operating as a data repository for researchers and educators, CEDR is a prime example of the Department's commitment to worker and community health programs. The internet presence and capabilities of CEDR facilitate the sharing of information and de-identified data collected during DOE-supported epidemiologic, environmental, and related health studies. CEDR supports the Department of Energy's STEM Program to encourage students pursuing degrees and/or careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. CEDR data are used by students and university teaching staff in the health sciences, biostatistics, and other allied disciplines.


Data File Sets:

Analytic Data File Sets = 253 data files (66 studies)

Analytic data files contain the data that a researcher directly used in conducting the analyses, resulting in reported findings or publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Working Data File Sets = 159 data files

Working data files are files that contain the raw or unedited data from which a researcher selected variables to form an initial analytic data file set. The data in the working data files may contain errors; as such, it is recommended that they be analyzed and results interpreted with caution.

CEDR Printable Catalog:

The CEDR catalog describes the CEDR program, its history and a description of all accessible datasets as of January 2024. Check out the CEDR Catalog! The catalog can also be found under Browse Data Sets -> CEDR Printable Catalog.

Bibliographic Collections:

CEDR's library of information, reports, journal articles, and data includes more than 4,400 citations. CEDR’s various types of bibliographic searches allow the user to select citations or publications associated with the studies found in the CEDR library.

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The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Files are built in .CSV and .XLSX formats for use in Excel. Bibliographies are in Adobe Reader .PDF format - Privacy/Security Notice