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Sign Up!

Overview of the steps

If you want to become an authorized CEDR user, and view more than just the first 10 records of a CEDR dataset, you'll need to receive login credentials. You MUST complete all the steps below. (The process to create an account may take 2 to 3 weeks.)

Step 1 Submit, Print, Sign, Email. Step 2 Delivery. Step 3 Access.

Step 1: Complete and submit sign up form below

Fill out and submit the online form. Upon completion, as confirmation, you will be emailed a set of files that you will need to print, sign, and send back to CEDR. Instructions on where to email your signed form will be in the confirmation email.

All fields (unless marked as optional) are required.

CEDR User Sign Up Form:













Will the data be used for Research and / or for the Classroom:
Research Classroom


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The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Files are built in .CSV and .XLSX formats for use in Excel. Bibliographies are in Adobe Reader .PDF format - Privacy/Security Notice